Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tech savvy?

in uni, I was a student of physics majoring in electronics. So things like light and sound sensory, 3D optics, electromagnetic are no any stranger to me. I understand all these technologies theoretically through the perspective of its circuit boards to its functionalities.
when I was working in DigiMagic, multimedia and technology are the company core foundation. be it from touch screen or multitouch display to 360° projection or even 3D hologram, I had to understand from the back end programming to the visual interface and the final delivery execution in order to sell the company’s forte. thus all these wow technologies are not that such big hoohah for me. but I realize in Malaysia, these technologies are still quite at the early stage comparing to our kaisu neighbour land. slowly but surely, Malaysia definitely will catch up but just in a longer period of time.
today, I was attending a nutrition talk with Mee Yee. lots of different stages of human attended, old uncle & aunty couple, rich datin-looking lady, even uni students and they were all holding either an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy Note, a iPhone or an Andriod phone. yeah, I assumed they are all tech savvy people. well, they have to be tech savvy people in order to survive in today’s world. as the nutritionist was explaining while jotting down a few key points on the whiteboard, I saw all these people were busy copying notes from the whiteboard. yeap, copying by using a pen and a notepad. then Mee Yee, my friend who had attended the talk before, saw me with no pen and notepad told me it’s good to copy it down so that I can easily refer back coz it’s too much info to digest at that moment. true enough it’s really too much to digest but I still didn’t pull out my pen and notebook and instead I grabbed my reliable iPhone 3GS and snapped along. Mee Yee’s next reaction was you are smart!
come on people… it’s the 21st century! technology updates even faster than you popping another child. you gotta embrace the technology and make use of it smartly. so what if you are holding the latest iPad when all you do is just checking out the facebook or playing games? you should be ashamed of yourself as you are just another tech sucker trying too hard to be the ‘in’ clan.
I remember Mr Donald once said, technology changes constantly and so we need to change our way of adapting the technology constantly too. very well said, Mr Donald. I truly admire his continuous effort in changing, adapting and looking forward.

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