just came back having drinks with the regular two (you know who you are :P) at Mont Kiara’s Starbucks. as usual, sipping our frap and bitching all about our life and what’s around us. and tonight’s topic is all about friends. all sorts of friends, from hi-bye friends to close friends to ‘personal friends’ (yeah, was joking bout Dr. Chua’s case…..haha) and even ‘ditched’ friends.
as we grow older…oppss…or should I say wiser, we will definitely have our own goals and preference of life. we will somehow tend to drift apart from our clique of friends due to all sorts of life factors. I definitely agree and understand that. but don’t you think we should have our personal philosophy of life too? yeah, I don’t read bible and I don’t know what Buddhism or Taoism is all about. so who am I to talk bout philosophy right? nope! philosophy of life is just as simple as how you want to live your life and yes, you heard me right…. YOUR LIFE… not your parents’ nor your companion’s nor your friends’.
sad to admit but yes, my circle of friends is getting smaller and smaller indeed leaving me with the regular two. not that I’m such a loser that I don’t have any friends except that two fellas but I’m talking bout where has all my ‘kaki-s’ gone? those that share my primary life to secondary life to teenage life to young adult life. those that get caught red handed in school together, went to tuition together, went for millennium countdown together, went clubbing and get drunk together, hanged out at mamak stall and talk crap and laugh together.
when they started to get involve in relationships, they all just drifted away and sorry to say but I think they no longer understand what personal life philosophy is all about anymore. all they care about is what their partner like or dislike them to do. that’s when unconsciously they slowly lost in touch their own life philosophy. I did question before those who get so involve in their relationship and ‘ditched’ their so call friends, asking why and how can they become like that? don’t they need their own privacy? and all I got for an answer is I won’t understand cause I’ve never been in a relationship before. heellooo….do I need to tell the whole wide world when I’m in a relationship? how can you assume that I’ve never been in a relationship when you never even asked me before? how shallow….too harsh for your ear…ok, then how naïve….
I personally and has always believe in balance… in whatever I do. too much or too little of something is bad for life. that’s my life philosophy. work is important but I’ll balance it up with travel to relax. I’m serious in what I do but I’ll balance it with ‘let your hair down and parteeeyy’. I do get involve in serious relationship but I balance it with my friends and family. as friends make you realize where your root are when you grow too far away.
so girls and boys, look around you and find where have your friends gone…. you will never know that you may need them some day….
yea, i know this comment is kinda overdue for this post, but hey just to let u know, i do chk out ur blog regularly, n i happen to re-read this entry of yours...
heheh, its a neverending story this topic of ours,, not our favorite topic, but crops up spontaneously most of the time.. lovehate, lovehate...
well, keep blogging, i know ur damn bz... at times when mcDs are not possible, i'll catch up with u thru ur blogs okayyy....
hey jen....i jes realized u dropped me comments on my blog....thanx gal...this will encourage me to continue blogging...hehe
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