Sunday, March 20, 2011

my big three-o

when I was 21, the thought of being 30 never once cross my mind...

when I was 25, people told me 30 will hit soon without me realizing it...

when I was 28, I started to understand what people told me when I was 25...

when I was 29, I’d already accepted the fact and thought so what’s the big deal...

now at 30, I’m not afraid nor ashamed to admit I’m 30… because there’s nothing we can do to stop it and I wouldn’t want to stop it neither even if I could. and I always believe human grow wiser as they age. well, at least for me... and so I shall grow old gracefully but will always stay young at heart...

oh, I just got to know that Chester Benington’s birthday is same as mine. and he has a son by the name of Jamie. what a coincidence huh... happy birthday Chester :P

thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and to those who had spent time with me on my birthday. love y’all...

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