today mark 101010 which only occur once in a 100 years. I am fortunate to be able to witness and enjoy this special date with my family and friends.
it was suppose to be a very significant date for Jen, Kent & me which we had set half year ago. at first it illustrated quite a positive lead towards our tententen. but you know, life is full of shits… it never turn out as good as we always planned and in fact, it was quite disappointing. but it’s alrite, I’m sure she is just as devastated as me. despite the disappointment, you let me know ya gal, if I can offer any help in any way :)
so how is your 101010? I’m sure some take this chance to mark their big chapter of their life (their marriage…). for those with birthday that falls on 10th October, I’m sure this year is one special celebration too. some might even party all night long last night to countdown this special date or do something outrageous like base jumping!
mine? so far so great!
a month back, Jen spotted a newsletter from hooHA! about 101010 fun run. we thought since it’s just a fun run then why not. so we invited Kent too, just simply because so happen that we bumped him on the cyberspace. half way through, we all got kinda lazy to do the registration and all so we sort of decided to just forget bout it. but out of the blue, heard that Hoe was interested in the fun run too. Hoe? run? hhmmm… that’s something interesting :P so we finally decided to just do it. and yes, we did it this morning, it was quite dreadful to wake up so early (freaking early indeed, as it was at 645am) but it was definitely something different to do with my buddies on this special date. shall we do it again or more often, my buddies?
what’s the best remedy to cure an exhausted body after a worn-out weekend? what else… spa! last Thursday was mum’s birthday and since I couldn’t figure out what best present for her, I decided to treat her for a spa session (since I need it badly too hehehe…). instead of my usual spa parlour, I decided to try out the ‘Energy Day Spa Mont' Kiara’. it was my first time having spa session with my mum and undeniably a unique way to celebrate 101010 with her too.
let’s end this 101010 with some ‘ten’talizing happenings… enjoy life…
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