it took me a while to figure out what was the login name and password to my blog. yes, it has really been that long I last written here.
things are crazy. nonstop holiday mood since last Christmas, new job, work culture shock which I’m still trying to adapt, dealing with new colleagues and new clients, proposals and projects, room revamp and none the less hanging out with dear friends.
so many to cope with a vague mind causes a lethargic and unmotivated me. been talking and whining to friends hoping to clear my mind but it just didn’t work until last Friday.
last Friday was quite an important day. the day which I had to submit my all-out proposal and also my ‘candlelight’ dinner with mr Donald. proposal was tighten up till the very last minute before the clock stroke 6pm. phew... finally it was done and over, now hoping for a good feedback.
then the prolonged farewell dinner with Donald. I wasn’t feeling comfortable when I got to know it was just gonna be me and him at the dinner. worrying the awkwardness and my emotions but it was all good. pouring out to him my challenges and expectations towards my current job. getting advices and inspirations from one of the man I respect most in my life really got me rolling back into the positive chi.
just heard the song ‘fix you’ by Coldplay and the phrase ‘when you get what you want but not what you need’ caught me. let’s just hope things will eventually turn out good. if it’s not, then it just gonna be another life learning curve :)